emailing game sheets
All game sheets are also to be sent to
SNBMHL Game Rescheduling Process
2018-2020 Hockey Canada Rule Book
Please make sure all game sheets are printed on clearly and have the game number and other information filled in.
Rink Phone Numbers
Rothesay Arena - 847-6363
QMA - 849-5720
RNS - 847-8224
Qplex - 848-5900
Gamesheets and Clock Operation
Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Checks
Helpful information for Managers
Every team needs a head coach, manager and hockey safety person. Each team must have 2 assistant coaches listed before they can have on ice coaches. If someone is not on the roster then they cannot be involved with the kids on the team - no exceptions (this includes opening a door on the bench). The HNB rules state that on ice helpers are also not supposed to be on the bench during games.
Every person on the roster needs a hockey canada number. Here is the process to get it:
Please click on this link to create your Hockey Canada ID number…..
This is free and will get you the Hockey Canada ID number you need. It is a long number that will start with 2022. Please complete all the required information. You can also link your players to this account. This account will show what courses you have and when your criminal record check expires. I will not be answering this questions but will ask that you check them on your own.
PLEASE NOTE: Hockey Canada has just added a new step...urgh! I have to confirm each person so you need to complete the steps above then I have to go in and confirm and they you will get your number.
The HNB website is the go to for all clinics that you need to get your coaching qualifications....go to and then clinics. LOOK EARLY AND GET THINGS GOING IF POSSIBLE. Dec. 15th is a HARD DEADLINE this year and there will be no exceptions.
Hockey Safety Person:
- Crim/Vulnerable Sector Check
- Respect in Sport ACTIVITY LEADER (not parent edition)
- Hockey Safety Person course
- Crim/Vulnerable Sector check
- Respect in Sport ACTIVITY LEADER (not parent edition)
U7 and U9
- HU Online Coach 1/ Coach 2
- Coach 1: Intro to Coach
- Respect in Sport- Activity Leader
- Criminal Record/ Vulnerable Sector Check
- Hockey University Online Coach 1/ Coach 2
- Coach 2
- Respect in Sport Activity Leader
- Criminal Record/ Vulnerable Sector Check