Parent Information


Important Information

KVMHA is glad you have chosen to register your child with us to play hockey.

  • Registration for hockey begins in August and can be done totally online.
  • At the current time KVMHA does not limit enrollment in its programs, so don't worry about getting a spot..
  • Proper gear is the mandatory! Players will not be allowed on the ice without it.
  • If you are a new hockey family, one parent must take an online course called Respect in Sport. This is an online course and can be taken at your leisure but there is a fee to take it. Sorry but this is out of our control. The course must be done by November 15th.
  • In order to register your child for hockey, you must create a Hockey Canada account for your child. Please take a pic or write down the number and your password - this will make life easier for the next year. When you register, you will be automatically directed to the site to create your Hockey Canada account or sign into it.
  • Check out teamsnap, its going to be how teams communicate. It will have all the information you need to know where your player needs to be.



Financial Programs

P.R.O. Kids

P.R.O. Kids will cover all or a portion of the activity fees up to $500 per child per calendar year. Complete the application form and the staff will review it to verify eligibility and financial need and inform you if you are approved.  Click the link for more information:

Hockey Assist Fund

Hockey Assist Fund will provide up to $500 per player in registration fee subsidies to approved applicants who are registered with a Hockey Canada-sanctioned association. Financial eligibility for the Assist Fund is based on the Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) guidelines from Statistics Canada, which are an integral part of our application process. Click the link for more information:

Kid Sport

KidSport Fredericton, Moncton, Saint John provides grants of up to $400 per eligible child, per year (January 1st - December 31st) towards sport registration fees.  As well, if you need equipment to play.  Let KidSport know, and they can make a referral to a partner agency.  Click the link for more information:

Their Opportunity

Their Opportunity's longest standing program pillar is our subsidies program. It's built to help remove the financial barrier to ensure children from all economic backgrounds have an equal opportunity to participate in grassroots sports and recreation.  To qualify for a sports subsidy for your child/children, families must fall within the financial criteria as per Revenue Canada’s Low income measure (LIM) thresholds by income source and household size.  Click the link for more information:


Jumpstart annual maximum amount a child is eligible to receive is up to $600, subject to Chapter discretion and/or local demands.  All approvals will be determined by the local Jumpstart Chapter and designated Canadian Tire Jumpstart Regional Manager and are subject to local demands and Chapter budgets.  To be eligible for funding for one or more children, families must first meet specific financial criteria as per Revenue Canada’s Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICO) chart.  Click the link for more information:


What's expected of parents

Parents play the key role in their childs' hockey experience. There are many things you can do to ensure your player(s) have a great season.

  1. VOLUNTEER !!!!! KVMHA is a volunteer run organization. That's right, volunteers run an organization that brings hockey to 900+ kids in Kennebecasis Valley.  This is not easy task. We are reliant on volunteers. With an organization this big we have volunteer roles for anyone who wants to donate their time - with or without hockey experience. Volunteering is a great way to meet people and generally is pretty fun to do. Here are some sample volunteer manager, coach, assistant coach, on ice helper, running the clock during a game or completing the score sheet (this is the best place to watch a game by the way!!), tournament volunteer, be a board member, communications volunteer, hockey safety person, division coordinator, be a member of the tournament committee, awards committee or give us your name as someone we can call if we a project comes up. Players can also volunteer their time and it works best if they are peewee age or older.

Please note: WHEN YOUR CHILD IS PART OF A TEAM, YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME WITH ASSIST WITH HOME TOURNAMENTS. In exchange for this, our teams pay a reduced tournament fee. Tournaments are a really important source of revenue for our organization.

2. Get to know the game, if you know the rules you will enjoy the game more and it will be easier to understand what your player is talking about. Google and you tube are good places to go as well as Hockey New Brunswick and Hockey Canada websites.

3. Players like to have parents, family and friends to watch them play. So please come and enjoy the games. Please be a respectful fan and remember that many of our referees are young people as well and are doing the best they can to referee the game. If you have feedback about a situation you see at a game, we want to hear about it in a productive way. So, wait 24 hours and then contact us to discuss a situation if you feel it is needed.

When parent behaviour becomes a challenge.......

Hockey is said  to be an emotional game and sometimes that becomes a problem. Every season, parents, fans and even coaches are asked to leave the rink as they are behaving in a way that our players should NOT see. Referees, rink attendants and KVMHA officials can ask you to leave the rink if your conduct is felt to be inappropriate. If this is not effective, the authorities will be called to escort you out. We hope that does not occur. Based on the situation, you may be required to stay away from the rink for a specified period of time etc.

KVMHA has a process to deal with these situations. If something does occur that you feel needs to be addressed we have a complaint process as well that we encourage people to use.