KVMHA Updates for the New Year……

We hope everyone had a good holiday season and are getting ready for the next half of the season!

Please remember that volunteers must now have their coaching courses and criminal record/vulnerable record checks completed to go on the ice and on be on the bench with our players.

HNB Tickets…….the draw is completed in mid January. We are asking that you place the tickets in the KVMHA mailbox in the lobby at Rothesay Arena or they can be dropped off at the canteen at QMA by DECEMBER 31ST . Kendall Mason will be sending the tickets to HNB very soon. If you have questions about this…please contact Kendall Mason at kendallip@outlook.com.

Be sure to check out our facebook page – KV Minor Hockey to see some of the great results teams are having at tournaments.

The First Shift program wrapped up recently. Thanks to all the coaches, junior coaches and voluteers for making this program possible. 45 kids aged 6 to 10 tried hockey for the first time. We are pleased to report that 30 of these kids have signed up so far to continue playing hockey with us this year.

The first half of the season has seen many teams complete give back challenges. For the first time ever, our IP teams completed a give back challenge. These young players aged 4,5 and 6 collected items for those in need – toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, christmas treats, toys and clothes. These young players helped many people at Hestia House and Outflow!! Players made christmas cards to accompany these great items. Santa was very proud of them and played hockey with them at their recent game day. IP players from Sussex were invited down to play as well!! WELL DONE IP!!!

The Bantam Capitals used part of their Christmas vacation to spend time with the Joshua Group. They collected skates and helmets and spent time with the kids on the ice. They donated $250 as well.  Well done Bantam Capitals!!

Sincere thanks to all 43 donors from the recent Hockey for Blood drive. We exceeded the goals set for this event. Thanks to Bob Keays for organzing.

Here are the results from the SNBMHL Coed Splits meeting for Atom to Midget teams…..

Splits 2019/20 Season

Atom AA

Lancaster Atom AA Thunder
KVMHA Atom AA Hawks
KVMHA Atom AA Sabres
Saint John Atom AA Sea Dogs
St. Stephen Atom AA Spartans
Hampton Atom AA


Atom A

Sussex Atom A
KVMHA Atom A Sabres
RV Atom A Thunder
KVMHA Atom A Hawks


Atom C – Centennial

SJY Atom C3 Drillons
SJY Atom C2 Storm
Lancaster Atom C3
SJY Atom C1 Phantoms
Hampton Atom C2
Charlotte County Atom C1
St. Stephen Atom C1


Atom C – Memorial

RV Atom C1
KV Devils Atom C
Hampton Atom C1
KV Canadians Atom C
Charlotte County Atom C2
St. Stephen Atom C2


Atom C – Atlantic


Lancaster Atom C2
KV Hurricanes Atom C
KV Capitals Atom C
Sussex Atom C1
Sussex Atom C2
Grand Manan Atom C


Peewee AA

Lancaster Peewee AA Thunder
Saint John Peewee AA Sea Dogs
KVMHA Peewee AA Hawks
Sussex Peewee AA Rangers
Hampton Peewee AA


Peewee A

KV Sabres Peewee A
Charlotte County Peewee A Whalers
St. Stephen Peewee A
RV Peewee A Thunder 2
Saint John Peewee A Sea Dogs


Peewee C – Centennial

KV Capitals Peewee C
KVMHA Peewee C Red Wings
KV Hurricanes Peewee C
Grand Manan Peewee C
KVMHA Peewee C Devils
RV Peewee C1 Rock


Peewee C – Memorial

Hampton Peewee C1
St. Stephen Peewee C1 Spartans
Saint John Peewee C3
KVMHA Peewee C Canadiens
Lancaster Peewee C3 Lightning


Peewee C – Atlantic

Hampton Peewee C2
Lancaster Peewee C2 Blues
Sussex Peewee C1
Saint John Peewee C1
Saint John Peewee C2 Kings
Charlotte County Peewee C


Bantam Division

Top 6 to provincials.


DOC – Top team in each division gets a bye. 2nd/3rd do a crossover


4 exhibition games – Only caveat Lancaster does not play RV.


Bantam AA/A

Saint John Bantam AA Flames
RV Bantam Thunder 1
KVMHA Bantam Hawks


Bantam A/B

Lancaster Bantam A Thunder
Sussex Bantam Rangers
Hampton Bantam


Bantam B

KVMHA Bantam Sabres
Charlotte County Bantam
Saint John Bantam B


Bantam C – Centennial

KVMHA Bantam Devils
KVMHA Bantam Canadiens
KVMHA Bantam Hurricanes
KV Bantam C Senators


Bantam C – Memorial

Lancaster Bantam C2 Bombers
KVMHA Bantam Capitals
Hampton Bantam C1
Saint John Youth Bantam C1
RV Bantam C1 Attack


Bantam C – Atlantic

St. Stephen Bantam C
Hampton C2
Saint John Youth Bantam C2
Charlotte County Bantam C
Sussex Bantam C
Sussex Midgets – Female
KV Midget – Female




Midget – Centennial

Sussex C Midget
Lancaster Midget C2 Trojans
KVMHA Midget Canadiens
Grand Manan Midget
KVMHA Midget Senators
KVMHA Midget Capitals


Midget – Memorial

Saint John Youth Midget C1
Hampton Midget C
KVMHA Midget Red Wings
KVMHA Midget Devils
Lancaster Midget C3 Knights
KVMHA Midget Hurricanes


Midget – Atlantic

RV Midget C1 Predators
Saint John Youth Midget C2
Charlotte County Midget C
St. Stephen Midget C
RNS Midget C
Saint John Youth Midget C3

That’s all for tonight!!!



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