Board Member Descriptions
3.01 President – The President shall preside at all Board meetings. He/she shall be entitled to one (1) vote except in the case of a tie when he/she shall cast a second and deciding vote. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, unless prohibited by the bylaw and as an ex-officio committee member shall be entitled to vote on any question coming before the committee only to break a tie. He/she or his/her designate will be the representative of the KVMHA to the District Five Board of Directors, the NBMHC, the Hockey New Brunswick, and subject to the by-laws, any other body or function requiring official representation. The President shall not chair or sit except as an ex-officio member on any other KVMHA committee during his tenure as President.
3.03 Vice President – The Vice President shall assist the President on request to provide continuity and to ensure the long-term viability and success of the KVMHA. The Vice President shall assume some or all of the responsibilities of the President as and when directed by the President and in the absence of the President he/she shall assume all of the duties of the President. Additionally, the Vice President shall: (a) be responsible for the Referee in Chief and through that position, the officials; (b) be responsible for parent education (i.e. Code of Conduct); (c) be responsible for travel permitting and maintenance of travel permit records.
Director of Competitive
3.06 Director of Competitive – The Director of Competitive is responsible for all hockey matters pertaining to competitive teams, including but not limited to: (a) season startup; (b) team selection; (c) team balancing. The Director of Competitive or his/her designate will be the representative of the KVMHA to the Southern New Brunswick Minor Hockey League, the Central U18 Hockey League, and any other competitive league in which KVMHA may so choose to place one or more teams. The U11, U13, U15 and U18 Divisional Coordinators and Coaches will report to this position on all hockey matters within the jurisdiction of KVMHA.
Director of Finance
3.08 Director of Finance – The Director of Finance shall: (a) act as Chairman of the Finance Committee to attempt to ensure that the day-to-day and long-term financial operation of the KVMHA is maintained on a viable basis and budgetary matters are adequately addressed; (b) receive all monies payable to the KVMHA and deposit same with KVMHA's bank as determined by the Board; (c) pay all accounts by cheques, signed by him/her where possible and by any one of the President or Vice President or Director of Administration, provided however that such cheques with the consent of or in the absence of the Director of Finance may be signed by any two (2) of the President, Vice President, Director of Divisions, Director of Administration or Director of Human Resources; but only based on approved signing authority held at the bank (d) keep an accurate record of all monies received and disbursed; (e) keep proper books of accounts and make them available to the Board on request; (f) submit a year end financial report at the Annual General Meeting; (g) in consultation with the Finance Committee prepare for the consideration and approval of the Board an operating budget for the current fiscal year by August 15 in each year or as determined the appropriate date by the Board ; (h) provide a monthly account of the current financial position of the Company in relation to its budget at each Board meeting; (i) arrange, with Board approval, for the investment and safekeeping of KVMHA funds; (j) have such other powers and duties as the Board shall prescribe subject always to the by-laws of KVMHA.
Director of Human Resources
3.09 Director of Human Resources – The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible to develop direction and strategies to ensure players and volunteers are given opportunities and resources to develop to their fullest and perform to their maximum potential, and as such shall have the position of Volunteer Coordinator reporting to him. This role shall be responsible for the implementation of process improvements, new and creative initiatives intended to improve the organization, its players, parents and volunteers, organizational procedures, etc. The Director of Human Resources is also responsible in assessing the overall effectiveness of the Board and promoting methods that would increase the Board’s success.
Director of Ice
3.10 Director of Ice – The Director of Ice shall:
- Co-ordinate matters of relevance with the Ice Scheduler, whose mandate is to allot and schedule (ice time available) to KVMHA among its teams, try outs, development clinics, tournaments, and other needs, subject to the overall control and direction of the Board;
- Interface with the arena management on matters of mutual concern regarding ice issues;
- Prepare an annual budget for this role in line with timelines requested by the Director of Finance,
- Manage the ice budget throughout the season and keep Director of Finance informed of any relevant deviations or anticipated issues.
Director of Administration
3.04 Director of Administration – The Director of Administration shall: (a) record meeting minutes at
each meeting they attend and keep a record of such minutes for future reference; send a copy of
meeting minutes summary to the Director of Communication for publication. (b) organize meetings by
requesting agenda items from Board Members; create Board Meeting Agenda to be sent to Board
Members prior to the meeting. (c) ensure the proper voting procedure for each motion; ensure each
motion is recorded and stored for future reference. (d) help with the interpretation of KVMHA, HNB and
HC policies (e) follow and communicate proper policy for Special Event Sanctioning; log and store all
denied and approved requests for future reference. (f) create Agenda for annual AGM; organize AGM
meeting for all members to attend; review, if any, all motions presented at the AGM; ensure the proper
voting procedure for each motion; ensure each motion is recorded and the KVMHA Constitution and By-
Laws are updated. (g) each year determine as per policy, which Board Positions are up for election;
ensure communication of position availability; oversee the voting process of filling each open Board
Position and ensuring a fair and proper election process. (h) have such other power and duties as the
Board or the President shall prescribe, subject always to the by-laws of KVMHA.
Director of Revenues
3.12 Director of Revenues – The Director of Revenues shall: (a) recommend to the Nominating Committee a Tournament Coordinator for appointment to act as Chairman for each KVMHA tournament to be hosted by KVMHA who may in turn select a subcommittee to assist in running each tournament; (b) be responsible for overseeing the organization, management and administration by the Chairmen and Committees appointed with respect to their respective tournaments, subject always to the direction and the control of the Board; (c) submit a plan to the Director of Administration identifying the objectives, initiatives, and strategies for the coming season; (d) prepare a budget for each event forward it to the Director of Finance before proceeding with said event; (e) recommend to the Nominating Committee a Fundraising Coordinator for appointment who will be responsible for identifying and presenting to the Board any ideas or suggestions that may be viable or appropriate as a fund raising activity. Any fund-raising event deemed to be in the best interest of KVMHA must be approved by the Board.
Director of Technical Development
3.13 Director of Technical Development – The Director of Technical Development is responsible for programs and initiatives to further the development of players and coaches. Therefore, reporting to the Director of Technical Development are the positions of Technical Director of Offense, Technical Director of Defense, and Technical Director of Goaltending; or alternatively, reporting to the Director of Technical Development shall be the position of Technical Director of Player and Coach Development who in turn may have the positions of Technical Director of Offense, Technical Director of Defense, and Technical Director of Goaltending reporting to him. This position will also be responsible for ensuring that risk and safety issues are being properly addressed and as such will have the position of Technical Director of Risk and Safety reporting to it. The position will: (a) by July 1, submit a Season Plan to the Director of Administration identifying the objectives, initiatives, and strategies for the coming season; (b) by August 1, submit a budget for the position to the Director of Finance; (c) by August 12, will establish a committee of four (4) persons representing all roles on the team to determine player tryout evaluation criteria and the required documentation. This plan will include such things as movement of players from “AA” to “A” to “B” to “Recreation”, the number of ice times for evaluation, the philosophy that “Once chosen, the player remains on the team”, the actual on ice content for each session, not releasing players after an early morning session, etc. The Director of Ice must be informed of these ice requirements; (d) by September 1, schedule a series of meetings with all necessary persons to ensure the tryout process is effectively planned. The “Season Startup Planning” document outlines this series of meetings and the execution details.
Director of Communications
The Director of Communications shall be the Chair of the Communications Committee, and as such shall:
- be responsible for monitoring and enhancing the image of the KVMHA. In addition to establishing and producing a newsletter on a regular basis, the Director of Communications shall provide the media with information on newsworthy events (i.e., registration, coach recruitment) and game results.
This shall require the Director of Communications to interface with any Association official to coordinate release of information to the media as well as interface with Tournament Committees to provide consistency in media information release; - keep in communication with the Director of Administration regarding the objectives, initiatives and strategies for the coming season;
submit an annual publicity budget for the then current fiscal year not later than
August 1; - arrange for the distribution of general information at registration (i.e., cost and commitment for competitive teams, newsletter, association budget, seminars, policies, rules and regulations, try-out process, boundary map, role of Board, / etc.).
- be responsible for all logos and trademarks associated with KVMHA;
- be responsible for content and maintenance of the KVMHA website, and social media pages. The position of Web Master shall report to the Director of Communications.
- monitor and maintain the KVMHA communications email account.
- maintain and distribute a list of all coaches and managers contact information
Director of U7/U9
The KVMHA director of U7/U9 shall be responsible for welcoming new families to minor
hockey. This shall include the coordination of the season startup, assigning coaches and
coordinators, and making sure all volunteers are in place and fully certified with background
checks complete. The director shall also balance the number of players across all groups and
continue to support the U7 coaching staff throughout the season.
The director shall also complete the startup of the U9 season including balancing teams across
the two U9 tiers as well as rostering teams, assigning coaches and coordinators, and confirming
all coaching requirements/background checks are complete. During the season the U7/U9
director shall work with coaching staff to maximize player development in a fun and supportive
environment while adhering to all Hockey New Brunswick guidelines.
The Director shall also attend regular KVMHA board meetings and have input on the decision-
making process of our organization.